
Copyright 1991-1999 J. Booth & Company - All Rights Reserved

  • Members have access to schedules via DTMF (touch tone) telephone access 24 hours per day.
  • Schedule aircraft or instructors up to 300 days in advance.
  • History of schedules available for the past 90 days.
  • All member activity is logged as transactions in a monthly text file for statistical, legal, and problem solving use.
  • All schedule entries and deletions are logged in verbose and comma delimited ASCII data files allowing statistical analysis or schedule regeneration.
  • Up to 500 members in the standard configuration. Member database includes name, phone numbers, approved aircraft, passcode, medical expiration date, and BFR expiration date.
  • Up to 15 aircraft standard. Each aircraft is assigned to a group. Like aircraft are typically assigned to a common group for availability queries. Greater than 15 aircraft available on special order.
  • Instructors may be configured as open or closed schedules. Closed schedules may be edited by the instructor only, but may be read by any member. Open schedules are similar to aircraft.
  • Customizable configuration file may be edited with any simple text editor (standard ASCII only - must not use embedded control characters)
  • Normal CGA/EGA/VGA text mode used - full color supported and recommended
  • Screen saver with configurable time-out.
  • Mouse supported
  • Passcode protected remote access - members may change their passcode at any time
  • Automatic backups of database files to floppy or hard drive performed at midnight. Periodic backups of entire system is recommended.
  • Automatic adjustment of system clock for Daylight Savings Time (USA standard).
  • Members may only schedule aircraft for which they are approved. However, all aircraft schedules may be read.
  • General club bulletins are recorded by the SYSOP and are played (if any exist) when a user logs in. They may be maintained via remote or local access. General bulletins are played in reverse chronological order. They will auto-delete after configurable period of days.
  • Reservation bulletins may be recorded by any user. These are played to the caller upon entering the scheduling area to alert them to such things as last minute cancellations, schedule changes, or maintenance problems.
  • Automatic BFR/Medical Expiration Tracking: Members are warned and (optionally) restricted from scheduling when their BFR or medical has expired. They are warned during a configurable number of days prior to expiration. If desired, member restriction may be delayed until a configurable grace period has expired.
  • Currency Warning: Members are warned if they have not scheduled an aircraft during the past 90 days.
  • Time Block Schedule Queries: Schedules may be queried individually or as a request for an open block of time within an aircraft group. For example, you could request the starting times and tail numbers of all Cessna 150s where a minimum block of 2 hours is available next Saturday.
  • Member voice mail system! Messages are time/date stamped and auto-delete after configurable period of days. Voice mail messages are played in chronological order. Messages may be forwarded to other members. Group messages may be sent to all members or to a group with as few as two members.
  • SYSOP voice mail notification: Both routine and emergency (priority) voice mail messages are supported for the system administrators (SYSOPs). Waiting messages for the SYSOP cause both phone call notification and a local alarm chime. Phone notification may utilize normal phone numbers (home, work, etc.), voice pagers, numeric message pagers, and tone-only pagers. Notification for routine voice mail is optional and may be configured to be active during a specified time period during the day. Emergency message notification is enabled 24 hours/day and cannot be disabled. Separate phone number lists are used for routine and emergency notification. Routine SYSOP message alerting by phone may be enabled/disabled from the command line or shortcut key entry.
  • Voice bulletin board (VBBS) includes 8 customizable interest areas and 1 restricted area. Keeps members up to date on club and flying affairs. VBBS messages feature date stamping and auto-deletion after configurable period of days. Messages are played in reverse chronological order so that member does not have to listen to all old messages to hear new ones. Scan feature plays all new messages in all areas since messages last read.
  • New message notification for voice mail and VBBS messages is heard when member logs in.
  • Printed reports of schedules, aircraft,  and member databases
  • Local system administrator interface consists of windowed text mode screens with pull-down/pop-up menus & data entry forms. Up to 6 schedules may be viewed at once in an attractive vertical time line display. The SYSOP may view/edit almost all parts of the system including the schedules, voice mail messages, bulletin board messages, member data, and more.
  • Local phone may be used to test system or record messages.
  • Optional microphone input for superior audio quality when recording messages, prompts, or bulletins (HIGHLY recommended).
  • Club information and online questionnaire for prospective members - customizable by the SYSOP. Questionnaire responses may optionally be automatically forwarded to a designated member.
  • Club Answering Machine Function: Guest callers (non-members) may leave messages to the SYSOP from the initial menu. Basically, this acts as an answering machine for the club. (Optional)
  • Club specific system prompts and messages may be easily recorded by the SYSOP from the console.
  • Special privileges for designated members allow them to schedule aircraft for any member. Typically this is for aircraft owners or instructors. Also SYSOP privilege allows remote access to SYSOP voice mail, editing of general bulletins, updating of member medical and BFR expirations, and more.
  • Local console scheduling: Local console security option allows the computer console to be used for local console access to the schedules by members. The system is then located at the airport facilities. Administrative functions are protected by password. Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, and Ctrl-Alt-Delete are inhibited. NOTE: I do not recommend this use for system security reasons, but offer it in response to user requests.
  • Optional double booking restriction. Restricts members from having any overlapping schedule entries in multiple aircraft.
  • Automatic recalibration of DOS time to match the hardware (CMOS) clock in the PC. The DOS time tends to drift some and the hardware clock is usually more accurate.
  • Year 2000 compliant!  ARSA uses julian dates for all calculations eliminating Y2K problems.
J. Booth & Company
Raleigh, NC  USA